Sunday, February 23, 2020

Mise-en-scene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mise-en-scene - Essay Example Mise en scene hence is the collection of all such elements from characterization to their delivery which have the highest regard in stage setting The recent block buster movies American Hustle and the Wolf of Wall Street although had many similarities and differences was much of a battle against Leonardo Di Caprio’s acting against the versatility of Christian Bale. There are many comparisons that can be made in both movies in respect to the story line, visual style; characterization etc but both movies provide premium quality of movie time. The major comparison that is to be put in mind is the fiction VS non-fiction in terms of themes. The Wolf of Wall Street is based on a real life story whereas American Hustle is a fiction movie. Throughout the comparison of the two movies there are techniques used for the viewer to understand their meaning. This is done through character placing in the frame and the detailing of which is explained further. Based on the memoir, the Wolf of Wall Street theme is based on the con artist and his group of friends he trains towards becoming stock brokers who sell penny stocks. The theme is based entirely towards becoming rich in the booming Wall Street economy in the 80’s. Jordan Belfort’s 22 months in prison produced such a great memoir that when applied into screenplay gave one of the best productions. The movie proceeds as Jordan tries to move from a low level life towards being engaged as a small level stock broker in the heart of New York City from where the company collapses and he is left with no earnings. Trying to find a job he then joins the suburban group of people who try to lazily sell the penny stocks of companies who are never able to make it to the main market. Through his persuasion skills, he is then able to make a profitable account by selling penny stocks and then starts to set up his own team. Now being involved in

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Abnormalities of Schizophrenia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Abnormalities of Schizophrenia - Research Paper Example Statistical estimates of the genetic epidemiology of schizophrenia confirm that a high degree of heritability factor is fundamental to the psychological disorder of schizophrenia. A review of the scholarly literature on the question of schizophrenia in relation to heritability also supports the claim that heritability is a crucial factor in schizophrenia. However, it is essential to realize that the estimates of heritability show a high level of discrepancy as a result of the complexity in taking apart the effects of genetics and the environment on schizophrenia. Therefore, an investigation into the psychological disorder of schizophrenia as having a high degree of heritability is an essential contribution to the study of genetics and neurobiology. Although schizophrenia has been the most studied of all psychiatric disorders in relation to heritability, this research focuses on the abnormalities of the neuroanatomical pathways and neurophysiological function believed to cause schizop hrenia and this study undertakes a reflective analysis of the available scholarly literature on the topic. An Annotated Bibliography Costello, Charles G. (Ed). (1993). Symptoms of Schizophrenia. New York: John Wiley and Sons. One of the most resources on the study of the abnormalities of the neuroanatomical pathways and neurophysiological function of schizophrenia... This significant writing brings about the link between basic science and clinical insights through the exploration of schizophrenia research and it makes a vital contribution to the understanding of various abnormalities of Schizophrenia in connection with heritability. Significantly, â€Å"this new book brings together many of the most productive and admired investigators in those areas of research, individuals who have contributed most to contemporary developmental models of schizophrenia. Each of the chapters provides a state-of-the-art overview of the authors’ area of expertise, including directions for future.† (Keshavan, Kennedy, and Murray, 2004, p. xvii). Therefore, this book is an essential resource for investigation on abnormalities of schizophrenia and the role of heritability. Turetsky, Bruce I., Moberg, Paul J., Mozley, Lyn Harper., Moelter, Stephen T., and Agrin, Rachel N. (2002 ). â€Å"Memory-Delineated Subtypes of Schizophrenia: Relationship to Clinica l, Neuroanatomical, and Neurophysiological Measures.† American Psychological Association, Inc. Neuropsychology. 16, (4). pp. 481–490. In this article, Turetsky, Moberg, Mozley, Moelter, and Agrin (2002) examine memory performance in patients with schizophrenia in order to identify subgroups conforming to cortical and sub-cortical dementias and to determine whether these subgroups differed on clinical, neuroanatomical, and neurophysiological measures. It is one of the essential articles on neuroanatomical pathways and neurophysiological function of schizophrenia. In this study, â€Å"the authors conclude that categorizing patients on the basis of memory deficits may yield